Cooperating online & wrap-up
(Week 5 : Feb 8 - 15, 2015)
Moderators :
Marijana Smolcec (Croatia), Ayat Tawel (Egypt), and Sanja Bozinovic (Croatia)
Guest Presenter:
Vance Stevens
By the end of this week you will have:
Task 1
Share your reflections about how you intend to implement any of the tools introduced in previous weeks in your face-to-face classrooms or online learning and add your name to the future collaboration projects on the Google Doc.
Task 2
Let's collaborate together using Titanpad tool. Continue a story shared on TitanPad here. Write 2 or 3 sentences and keep the story going. Let's see how creative we can get!
Task 3
You are invited to attend a live presentation by Vance Stevens on "Once a Webhead always a Webhead" at the Webheads Elluminate vRoom on Sunday Feb. 8th at 14:00 GMT
Task 4
Share your reflections on ICT4ELT in the Edmodo group here.
Task 5
Complete the final Survey here.
Task 6
Join the EVO2015 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience at the Webheads Elluminate vRoom on Sunday February 15th from 14:00 GMT to 16:30 GMT.
Task 7
Join the Webheads in Action community of practice at
and/or Webheads group on Facebook or Google+Community here.
Tools to explore
1. Google Docs (you can find a tutorial on Google Docs here) and/or watch it below:
TitanPad ( you can find the tutorial for TitanPad here or watch the recording below)
I have....
- shared my reflections on how I intend to use the tools from previous weeks in my classroom and added my name to the Google Doc for future collaboration projects
- attended the live session/listened to the recording
- collaborated on Titanpad
- commented on the Live Session in our Google+Community
- shared my reflections on ICT4ELT using the Edmodo Group
- tweeted using #ICT4ELT
- completed the EVO Evaluation Survey
- attended the live "EVO 2015 Live Webcast: Sharing Your Experience"
- joined the Webheads community of practice
Image courtesy of
To get a badge for this week, you at least need THREE out of FOUR tasks:
- add your name to the Google Doc project and share your reflection
- collaborate on the Titanpad task
- share your reflections on ICT4ELT in our Edmodo group
- attend and comment on Live session
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