Live Sessions

Live Sessions



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Sessions Timetable




Week 2


Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT

Vicki Hollett







Vicki Hollett is an award winning author who has written many course books for Oxford University Press and Pearson. Vicki has taught English in Algeria, Japan and the UK and run teachers’ workshops in many countries in Europe, the Far East and South America. British by birth she now lives in the US where her life has taken a new turn. She’s become a video producer.



Webheads Elluminate vRoom


Sunday, Jan. 25, 16:00 - 17:00 GMT


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Session Page

"Making videos for ELT"




Week 5


Speaker's Bio
Venue and Time in GMT

Vance Stevens

I'm a teacher of ESOL who has been active in CALL, what I now call SMALL (social media assisted language learning) for a few decades now. I also coordinate the PLN / Community of Practice Webheads in Action, and have organized the weekly seminar series since 2010. I link my blogs from and I list my publications at I'm passionate about learning from colleagues through building and facilitating spaces where everyone learns.

Webheads Elluminate vRoom

Sunday, 31 Jan, 14:00 - 15:00 GMT/UTC


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Session Page

"Learning2gether with blogs and wikis "